Art Creations- Sculptures - Objets D'Art
I am heavily influenced by form and function. I have always had a
fascination with miniatures. The hand skills I acquired as a goldsmith are usefully applied in my
sculptures. Add to that a need to continually push the boundaries of my skill set and that I'm an avid reader of science fiction
is a source of inspiration that lies behind my art creations - sculptures.
Antikythera Mother of Dragons Sculpture
Fiercely protective
over her dragon babies and the jewel holder. |
Size: 500 x
500 mm |
Dragon Bow This functioning bow rests in the
belly of the dragon. The protector of truth. It shoots bolts of truth and honesty......more details |
Size: 450 x 420 x 380 mm |

Dragon's Breath This sculpture contemplates the symbiotic relationship of air transformed into energy
which in turn creates life force. The Dragon's Breath forces air / steam into the oscillating Steam Engine, which in
turn incubates the dragon's eggs as the rest of the dragon family guard and protect the new life form. ........further
description |
Size : 90 x 80 x 60 cm |

Miniature oscillating Steam Engine 
Miniature oscillating Steam Engine |
Size : 35 x 20 mm |
How the miniature oscillating steam engine (Cubic Zirconia Wobbler) was made -
click for pdf download
Gear Gun

Gear Gun On the one side of our galaxy are the race known as the Barbarians. A carnivorous
reptilian species that think of human beings as food. On the other side is us--the food source.
In the middle are the outsiders, a inter galactic task force that has been sent here from other galaxies to prevent the
destruction of the human race. They are slowly loosing the battle. But one thing that can change everything is the
Read more...... |
Size : 300 x 450 mm |

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